Friday, August 24, 2012

Belton Missouri ~ 3rd Place State Champs ! ! !

We have been so extremely busy this summer. I have finished a couple of classes online and the boys have been so busy with baseball. It's starting to wind down and we are just now able to relax and enjoy a little bit of our Summer, well what's left of it!

We took a trip to Belton for our State baseball tournament. There we fought like lions to get where we got! We were so proud of our boys for what they accomplished. With their hard work and determination, they placed 3rd in State. We are so extremly proud of them.

While there we also got to not only celebrate 3rd place winning, but John Dakota's 13th birthday! John Dakota is not that into partying especially if the spot light is put on him. He made it through it. We all met at the hotel pool that evening and ordered pizza, swam, and had cake and ice cream. It was a mini delight!

We also got to experience a very exciting Royals game. They played against the Brewers. Very exciting finish. The kids had never been to a game, so they thought the stadium and surroundings was awesome!!

We met up with some of the other boys from our team and got to spend the rest of the evening with  them. Boys had a great time!!

Midnight snack....I took them all to Mcdonalds later that night. I felt like a kid again, as well!
John Dakota pitching his best.

Jacey got to meet her new friend, Scout! It was love at first sight!

There were many adventures on this trip. We got to celebrate John Dakota's 13th birthday. We got to see the Royals kick some bootay. We got to take John Dakota and the team to celebrate a big win and also his birthday at Hooter's. The boys were stoked for this, JD, on the other hand was not. He was seriously embarrased! It was a great time and great memories!! While there we got to spend some good quality time with our great friend Natalie. It's always great to see her. The kids just love her to pieces and pretty sure she feels the same way about them!

The team that we wanted to beat ( and everbody wanted us to beat ) was Lebanon. We started out and kicked tailend, and did not give up! It was a very hard fought game, but we pulled it off and beat them like 8-6. They were very intimidating b/c of their height. We rocked that diamond though!!!

Good times were had by all, most definately!!!